mardi 29 juillet 2014

August must have!

Hey there! I'm Strating Must have series!

I'll post them before every month, so get ready to see them often!It will just present everything you need to look for during the month..

Must Have: Rumper.(you know, the dresses with a separation for each legs, they comme very handy when it's windy outside and you want to look a little more dressy. You can also wear them casually, it's super confortable).

Must watch: Lucy.(it kind of think it looks good...This is the link to the preview:
Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie HD - YouTube

Beauty Must: Sunscreen+Babylips Dr.Rescue. (It's important to make sure to protect your skin from the most damage you can, you may not realise it now, but you'll be grateful in 5 or 10 years. As for your lips, mine have a tendance to chap more in the I the only one?)

Must read: The sleepaway girls (Jen Calonita)

Must know: "Travel Broadens the mind"

Have a awesome Month!! xox

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